Saturday, September 4, 2010

Wish I Could Write

I can't write and I'm just not good about posting on this, but I wish I was:) I'm debating with whether to continue it and take the stress off my plate or just really try to be better about posting. I get so many good blog ideas when I'm away from the computer or sitting somewhere and it's impossible to blog. I have good intentions - ha!!!

We had the ground-breaking for John's project here. It was over the top, nothing like what we do in the USA for a ground-breaking. The owners are very excited to be in Europe and Hungary is excited to be the first. We met the US Ambassador to Hungary. She attended the event and spoke, as well as, the second in command to the Prime Minister of Hungary. It was attended by people all over Europe. Lots of introductions and hand-shaking along with interpreting from Hungarian to English and vice-versa. The following pictures are from that:

We went to our first Christian music concert in Budapest last night with our dear friends. Jars of Clay were in town. They did a great set in a club alot like "Bogarts" for all our Cincy fam and friends. We missed being with our concert going buddies (Icthus and LifeLighters). They sang two new songs that they haven't sang in the US yet, so the kids thought that was great. We stood in the middle of the venue but the kids were at the front of the stage. They said they could read the playlist and touch their shoes :)HA!!!!

Here's a picture of ONE of our favorite things to eat here: PIZZA.

We like pizza no matter where we are but it's VERY different here. They have the most wonderful tomatoes and we've not had a bad one ~ they taste like a tomato should taste. We are trying to not gain weight because we are loving the Hungarian dishes. It's all much healthier than how we eat in the US so hopefully weight-gain won't happen. We do a lot of walking and that is helpful. We will miss getting the type of exercise we get here. The surroundings are amazing and so walking is always a treat. It won't be in winter but for now, we really enjoy it, even if we are walking up a steep hill and our abs burn.

We are cheering for our Reds. We spend a couple of evenings a week watching them. We want our team to go to the World Series. We have some friends here who are also big Reds fans and we enjoy chatting with them about our team.

I'm getting ready to start doing Ladies Bible Study with other women from our church. I will be leading along with two other friends. We are doing Beth Moore's Daniel Bible Study. I have done that study several times but it hasn't been done at our church here. I'm excited to do it again with ladies from around the world. Our church has 20 different nationalities represented in it.

School has begun and we are soaking up European History that lies all around us. We are very grateful for this opportunity.