Thursday, April 23, 2009

One of the many reasons....

We home school our children for many reasons. A lot of people think we're crazy and a lot of people support us. The first reason we home school is we feel called, by the Lord, to do so. Is it hard? You bet it is. Are there days I wish I didn't? You bet I do. But I have to confess that whenever I feel defeated and ready to throw in the towel, the Lord always brings something to mind or heart to confirm that I'm doing what He has called us to do. He never allows satan to mess with my mind too long. It's amazing and a blessing to teach my children to read and hear them read their first words and first book. It's amazing to hear them read their Bible, by themselves. It's amazing to see them grasp 2+2=4 and watch them build on their math skills. It's fun to learn along with them. It's fun to hear them TEACH me!!! I can't imagine missing out on eight hours of their lives everyday and all the conversations we get to have. And this song/video sums up one of the many reasons we home school, my first baby will be ten, where have the years gone? I've not missed anything he's ever done and they've still flown! I will be forever thankful for the time we've had them and been able to teach them. Don't know if the Lord will call us to home school them all their school-age years but why He is, I'm going to obey. this link is no longer up, sorry. You can go to YouTube and check out the song "It Won't Be Like This For Long" by Darius Rucker. Sorry for the confusion!!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Our baby

Halena is at the stage where she doesn't like to be referred to as our baby girl. So, we try not to call her that (shhh.. even though she will always be that to her Daddy and Mama!) So our "baby" in the family is our doggy, Hannah. Hannah had the privilege of staying with Grammy for a few weeks while we got settled in. Grammy spoiled her, just like she does the kids, while she was there. Needless to say, she needs lots of exercise and a low-fat diet now! :) Here's her favorite past time and exercise plan:

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Praising Jesus

We are thankful to our family and friends, who read our blog, for praying for our dear friend, Mary Jo. She received a WONDERFUL report from her Dr. at Mayo Clinic today that the large tumor near her esophagus is dead - DEAD!!!!!!!!! We are praising Jesus and beyond words of thankfulness to Him. Would you please join us in thanking Him for healing her and ask Him to continue to keep her cancer-free and healthy. Thank you!! (This is us with our girl's on New Year's of this year.)

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

March Madness

We have been watching a lot of basketball, at the Handel house, for several reasons. One, the Mama of the house loves the sport and the Daddy is pretty fond of it too. Thankfully, our kids are learning more and more to like it as they get older. I always thought about the days when they were old enough to "get into it". Well, we're there. Halena doesn't hang too long with the rest of us and so we carry on side conversations and games with her while watching. The rest of us are INTO it!!! The boys are so fun to watch the games with. We all filled out our brackets. Hayden was leading the way for quite sometime, Holten was furious!! Halena's bracket was...well, last :( Daddy ended up with the most wins. We anxiously awaited the 9 p.m. tip-off - yes, the kids got to stay up, the Championship can't be missed (even if it's not Kentucky playing for the title). There are only two UK fans in the house anyway :( The rest of them will learn one day, is what Hayden and I keep telling them. Holten knows every player as soon as he watches the first 4 minutes of every game. He memorizes their name and number, if any of us needs to know who the foul was called on or who made the basket, Holt's our man!! We've decided it's good to move right before March Madness begins - which is our plan for next year. You unpack and park it and watch basketball for a few weeks, not feeling guilty because you don't know anyone yet anyway and what could be better?!!!! Our hats are off to the UNC Tar Heels who played one beautiful game (that compliment only comes because you have one of the most class act coaches ever!!!!)